Brooke County Health Department Offers Family Planning
About Family Planning
Family Planning is a confidential service for both men and women in their child bearing years. In 1970, Congress enacted Title X (ten) of the Public Health Service Act.The Federal program is devoted solely to the nationwide provision of family services. Family Planning assists in the establishment and operation of family planning projects which offer a broad range of acceptable and effective family planning methods and services including: natural family planning methods, infertility services, and services to adolescents. The mission of Title X (ten) is to provide individuals the information and means to exercise personal choice in determining the number and spacing of their children.
Service Provided
- Comprehensive Medical Exam
- Free Contraceptive Methods
- Health Education and Counseling
- Pregnancy Test
- Follow-up and Referral for identified medical needs
Who’s Eligible? — Those that are:
- Employed with a temporary, entry-level, minimum-wage or other low-paying job
- Unemployed
- Students
- Unable to afford monthly birth control after paying for basic needs
- Underinsured
- Covered by Medicaid or have a HMO through Medicaid
- Lost WV Works (TANF) or other benefit
What is the cost of the program to you?
- The program is free or low cost.
- Clinic visit are free when a family size and maximum monthly income are in the “Free Clinic Visit” range.
- Clinics may charge a small co-pay when a family size and income are in the “Low-Cost Clinic Visit” range.
A sliding fee scale is used to determine the charge.
For more information please visit WV Family Planning or call 304-737-3665.
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